For Employers

Where are all the vets?

The veterinary profession is experiencing a noticeable imbalance between openings and qualified candidates.

This imbalance is not slated to improve anytime soon. The competition for qualified candidates requires employers
to closely evaluate compensation, benefits and schedules.

PetVets@Work is dedicated to:

  • Learning about your practice – what makes you unique?
  • Supporting your management team during the interview and hiring process as requested
  • Communicating how your community is addressing the vet shortage
  • Sharing contacts, networking opportunities and resources

PetVets@Work understands the daily stress of not having enough veterinarians and the toll it can take on doctors and staff.
Mistakes can happen due to overwork, which can negatively impact customer service. We truly understand how these stressors contribute to a decline in work-life balance for all involved, and can be perceived as a barrier to growth.

PetVets@Work is a confidential recruiting service. Please contact us to learn more about our service and fee agreement.

Employer Information

Please share your contact information using the form below or give us a call.

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